The good old days were long gone - And her body had grown brittle - As she fell asleep, not one to fight - She said goodbye, like every night - The good old days were long gone - And now her voice is but a ripple - As I dress her pretty, to break the news - Oh bittersweet beauty, my life's muse   |   The good old days were long gone - And her body had grown brittle - As she fell asleep, not one to fight - She said goodbye, like every night - The good old days were long gone - And now her voice is but a ripple - As I dress her pretty, to break the news - Oh bittersweet beauty, my life's muse   |  ;

System's engineering student specializing in back end development (Java 21, Spring Boot).
Living in Santa Fe, Argentina.

Perfectionist with a strong tendency to skip the easy problems to get to the fun ones. Ask about failed projects!

Likes to write poetry and sometimes novels. Prefers not to write in first person.

More humble than most. Great sense of humor.

The Sbupi project

The site you are currently browsing.

Hosted for free by Cloudflare Pages. Deployed through this GitHub repository. Built with vanilla JavaScript and HTML5, and styled with TailwindCSS v4 (beta).

Features custom e-mail addresses such as [email protected], without implementing an actual mailing service.
Cloudflare re-routes incoming messages to [email protected], Google's SMTP service allows outgoing messages under the domain.

Footnote: re-routing means inbound e-mails may be rejected by the inbox, this has been mitigated but must be noted.

Footnote 2: this is the third version of the site. The first two were built using other approaches, feel free to ask about them.

The Skwidl project

A class assignment taken too seriously. Work in progress, available here.

A micro-services application deployed with Kubernetes/Docker Desktop. Managed with Maven, built on Java 21/Spring Boot, features service discovery with Netflix's Eureka, observability with Graylog, metrics with Prometheus/Grafana, async communication with RabbitMQ (CloudAMQP), and more.
Features three 'micro-services' with MySQL, PostreSQL, and MongoDB databases, a Spring API Gateway, HAProxy reverse proxy, and a Next/React front-end server.

Functionality and some design characteristics abide by what was requested by the professors, but the implementation attempts to uphold more realistic standards.

These standards include:
Domain-driven design.
Proper handling of distributed transactions.
Actual maintainability.
Thorough automated testing.
General best practices.

A first release is expected to be available as a Helm chart by the end of February 2025. Thorough documentation shortly after.

A random cat image.

Coming soon(-ish)!